It is officially Fall and kids are back in school, leaves are changing colors, and the temperature is starting to cool down. Our lives are back into full swing, leaving no time to worry about our cars. To avoid most car problems in the Fall there are four steps you can take now that will hopefully save you time and money later.
1.) Update the General Maintenance
Preparation is key in avoiding common car problems.
When the Fall season hits and before the weather gets too cold, you’ll want to make sure your car doesn’t require any maintenance. Have all your belts and hoses checked, oil changed, tires rotated, and fluids replenished. If you live in an area that gets particularly cold, make sure you have freeze-resistant wiper fluid and inspect your battery. The colder temperatures can cause your battery capacity to decrease.
In early Fall, the temperature usually fluctuates from day to day. You’ll want to be prepared for your tire pressure to do the same. Keep a tire pressure gauge on hand so you can adjust when needed until the temperature stabilizes.
Also, don’t forget to check the air pressure in your spare tire. And if you live in a climate where the ground freezes, it’s time to pull the snow tires out of storage.
3.) Perform Cosmetic Repairs
If you have any nicks, scratches, or dents in your car, you’ll want to have them fixed before the fall season brings colder weather. Rain, hail, sleet, and snow will cause any of these imperfections to rust.
Taking the time to fix these car problems now will help your car retain its value for years to come.
4.) Pack An Emergency Kit
Just in case you still face car problems during the Fall it’s important to have an emergency kit you can rely on.
This could include a flashlight, cell phone charger, jumper cables, kitty litter or sand, an ice scraper, and coolant. You might even consider keeping a blanket and snacks in your car incase you break down on the side of the road during cold weather.